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Resources for


Resources to Support Your Child's Wellbeing

While VTCPAP's consultation service is only available to primary care providers (PCP), we know that caregivers are an integral part of a child’s team. When thinking about a child and their unique strengths and challenges, we are always thinking about the child within the context of their family, home, and community.

Below are resources that we’ve compiled that may be helpful to caregivers to better understand and support their child. Caregivers can also always encourage their child’s PCP to reach out to VTCPAP for consultation and support.

If you are looking for a mental health provider for your child,

VTCPAP recommends the Vermont Counseling Network or Psychology Today.

Mental Health Resources for Caregivers

A wealth of resources, carefully curated to address your diverse needs and empower you in your caregiving journey

  • Aggression & Other Concerning Behaviors

    Anxiety, Phobias & OCD Resources



    Eating & Feeding Disorders

    Grief & Loss


    Suicidality, Safety Planning & Cultivating Hope

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